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We're Wouter, Shosho, Farah & Zeyad... We are people who are realy adicted to Pet Society! :D & me made this bog/site to help u guys! also join our group on Facebook ' PetSocietyBestSafeTraders' Thnx & bye! x
Pet Society Fans! :D
Monday, November 9, 2009
NOTE: If the mayor comes to much up with you, I advise to use the 2k bet hack or Combo Hack Bot... :D

This Hack Gives you 3000 coins everytime you bet!


* Log on to Ps;
* Go to Stadium and choose Bet
* Choose one friend, 5 coins, confirm but don’t click Ready
* Open Cheat Engine
* Choose your browser, Tick hex, paste 00002843C7E85D8B, change value type to 8 bytes and also tick “Also scan read only memory”
* Click First scan
* Right click and choose Disassemble memory region
* Right click and go to address
* Copy the address in 1st box in Code Generator
* Now click ready on PS
* Go back to cheat Engine
* In hex scan for 468BF4758BE85D8B
* Right click and choose Disassemble memory region
* Right click and go to address
* Copy the address in 2nd box in code generator
* Hit generate
* Copy all code
* Go back to cheat engine, choose Tools -> Auto assemble (or click CTRL+A)
* Paste the generated code & click “Execute”;
* Now start your bet race & enjoy the 3k everytime u bet (even if ur 2th or 3th!)

Posted By WOuter


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