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We're Wouter, Shosho, Farah & Zeyad... We are people who are realy adicted to Pet Society! :D & me made this bog/site to help u guys! also join our group on Facebook ' PetSocietyBestSafeTraders' Thnx & bye! x

Pet Society Fans! :D

Saturday, September 19, 2009
= Video ( original by Patiniox )

*Firefox [Download:]
*CE 5.5 (Cheat Engine v5.5) [Download:]
*Flash Player v.9


1) Open Facebook --> PetSociety
2) Go buy & sell an Limon
3) Play 1 to 3x rope
4) Open CE --> Choose 'Firefox.exe' --> HEX/8/Asrom code= 408B0000011D840F
5) first scan--> Right click the result --> disassemble this memory region
6) Right click --> 'Go to adress --> copy the code!
7) Paste the code in the first bar on
8) Go back to the main page of CE --> HEX/8/Asrom code= 4589C47589544F8B
9) First scan --> right click the result --> disassemble this memory region
10) Right click the adress --> 'Go to adress' --> Copy the code --> Click 'cancel'
11) Paste the code in the second bar on
12) Click 'Generate' on that site --> Copy that code...
13) go to CE --> Assemble Memory or 'Ctrl+A' --> Paste the code
14) Click 'Execute' --> Go to PS & start jumping rope!
15) And You're Done!! :D

You can keep this hack on while ur away, to make money! =)
I u dont get the steps, u also can watch the video (link above!)



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