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- PS Hack: How to get the 'Anteater Plushie'!
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- Pet*Society*Latest*News
- We're Wouter, Shosho, Farah & Zeyad... We are people who are realy adicted to Pet Society! :D & me made this bog/site to help u guys! also join our group on Facebook ' PetSocietyBestSafeTraders' Thnx & bye! x
Pet Society Fans! :D
Monday, December 28, 2009
1. Go into Pet Society
2. Open ce5.5 (tick hex, value: 'array of bytes', tick ASROM)
3. Scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B 48 74"
4. 1 address returned. > Disassemble this memory region.
5. Right click the selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
6. New scan "0F 8F 0A 00 00 00 B8 04 00 00 00 E9 0E 03 00"
7. 1 address returned. Disassemble this memory region.
8. You will see this line "jg xxxxxxxx"
9. Change the "jg" to "jmp"
10. New scan "0F 85 22 01 00 00 8B 43 10 85 C0 0F 84 7E 05"
11. Disassemble this memory region
12. You will see this line "jne xxxxxxxx". Right click and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
13. A few lines down you will see "je xxxxxxxx". Right click and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
If no addresses returned, you are probably using the wrong flash version.
You must be using Flash 9 in order to be able to scan for the following values.
1. Go into Pet Society
2. Open ce5.5 (tick hex, value: 'array of bytes', tick ASROM)
3. Scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B 48 74"
4. 1 address returned. > Disassemble this memory region.
5. Right click the selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
6. New scan "0F 8F 0A 00 00 00 B8 04 00 00 00 E9 0E 03 00"
7. 1 address returned. Disassemble this memory region.
8. You will see this line "jg xxxxxxxx"
9. Change the "jg" to "jmp"
10. New scan "0F 85 22 01 00 00 8B 43 10 85 C0 0F 84 7E 05"
11. Disassemble this memory region
12. You will see this line "jne xxxxxxxx". Right click and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
13. A few lines down you will see "je xxxxxxxx". Right click and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
If no addresses returned, you are probably using the wrong flash version.
You must be using Flash 9 in order to be able to scan for the following values.
1. Go into Pet Society
2. Brush your pet
3. Open ce5.5
4. Select browser in the process list (tick hex, value type: "array of bytes", tick "also scan read-only memory"
5. Scan "0F 84 DD 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B 73 08 8B 8E EC"
6. 1 address returned. Right click and disassemble.
7. You will see the line "je XXXXXX" (X = digits)
8. Right click this line and select "replace with code that does nothing"
9. New scan "0F 8F B6 05 00 00 8B 7D D0 8B 87 20 02 00 00" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
10. New scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B 48 74" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
11. New scan "FF 51 0C 83 C4 0C C7 43 20 00 00 00 00 8B 5D" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
12. Now go back to Pet Society and brush or wash your pet and coins will start rolling in.
* You can use mouse recorder;
* Watch the video ;
1. Go into Pet Society
2. Brush your pet
3. Open ce5.5
4. Select browser in the process list (tick hex, value type: "array of bytes", tick "also scan read-only memory"
5. Scan "0F 84 DD 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B 73 08 8B 8E EC"
6. 1 address returned. Right click and disassemble.
7. You will see the line "je XXXXXX" (X = digits)
8. Right click this line and select "replace with code that does nothing"
9. New scan "0F 8F B6 05 00 00 8B 7D D0 8B 87 20 02 00 00" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
10. New scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B 48 74" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
11. New scan "FF 51 0C 83 C4 0C C7 43 20 00 00 00 00 8B 5D" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
12. Now go back to Pet Society and brush or wash your pet and coins will start rolling in.
* You can use mouse recorder;
* Watch the video ;
Friday, December 25, 2009
Here are the spoilers!!
You can celebrate the newyear 2010 in your own way: you can do it in ur own cozy chalet or in ur own royal ballroom!... Your own choice. PSLN wishes u all a merry Christmas & happy new-year! these spoilers are the last from 2010. So there have been allot of items deleted from the Mystery boxes, BUT this week there are 6 new MIs ;D enjoy. ^^

You can celebrate the newyear 2010 in your own way: you can do it in ur own cozy chalet or in ur own royal ballroom!... Your own choice. PSLN wishes u all a merry Christmas & happy new-year! these spoilers are the last from 2010. So there have been allot of items deleted from the Mystery boxes, BUT this week there are 6 new MIs ;D enjoy. ^^

Saturday, December 12, 2009
EXP (WAY 1)!
- Go into Sky City
- In ce5.5, scan current value of coins (double)
- Spend some coins and next scan the new value of coins
- 1 address left, change the value to any amount you want. Coins remain even after refresh.
- Scan your yellow coins value
- When only 1 address left, double click it and add "+A8" (XXXXXX+A8)
- The value will be your current blue coins value
- Change it to any amount you want. Have fun expanding
EXP (WAY 1)!
- In ce5.5, tick hex, asrom, 8bytes
- In Sky City, plow a land.
- Scan "4B8B14438B104389". 1 result returned. Right click > Disassemble
- Click Debug > Toggle Breakpoint
- Now go plow a land. The game will freeze. Copy the EBX value in ce5.5
- Press F9 or Debug > Run to unfreeze the game.
- Click 'Add address manually. Paste the copied EBX value and add +10 behind it (xxxxxxx+10)
- The value will be of your current level. Change it to 80 and freeze it
- Your level will not change, but you can purchase any items you want.
- Scan current level
- Level up, next scan new level. Repeat till 3 or less addresses remain.
- Change all the addresses value to 50 and freeze it.
- Now you have just unlocked all the high level items. You can now better spend your coins.
Note: Make sure your FVcash value is LESSER than the cost of the golden chicken. Else you may accidently waste your FVcash.
- ce5.5
- firefox
- fast fingers
- You will need 1 chicken coop (5000) and 2 dairy farm (10,000)
- Open the above image in a new tab for a bigger view
- Building 1 will have 2 cows. Building 2 will have 0 cows. Make sure both buildings do not have the harvest pink arrow above them.
- Now click on Building 1 > Look inside
- Click 'Use' on any cow and click on Building 2.
- Now Building 2 has 1 cow and Building 1 has 1 cow.
- Go visit a friend and return to your farm. Building 2 should have a harvest pink arrow above it now.
- Now in ce5.5, scan your current EXP (value: Double). 1 result returned (if not, do something to gain exp and next scan till only 1 address remains)
- Double click the address and add '+ 80' at the end of it. (xxxxxxx+80)
The value will now show your FVcash value. - Change the FVcash value to 100.
- Now in Farmville, move your Farmer far away from Building 2.
- Click building 2, collect milk. The farmer will be walking over. In the meantime, go to market and buy a golden chicken.
- Impt step: Wait until the harvesting of the milk is 100%, immediately click the golden chicken into the Chicken Coop. It has to be 100% when you click the golden chicken into the Coop.
- Wait for error in-sync message to pop-up. Click Accept. Golden Chicken will be in the Coop on refresh.
- ce5.5
- flash 9/10
- firefox/flock
- mouse recorder
- Lock the door of your RC. Remember to seal up the outdoor garden space too.
- Use Piaips Tool for regeneration of stamina. Set 1 employee to be a janitor
- In ce5.5, select browser as process, tick hex, ASROM, value type(8bytes)
- Scan "0005000000003FA9" 1 address returned. Copy that address.
- Click 'Add address manually, type (4bytes), click 'Pointer'
- Paste the address from step 4 into 'Address of pointer' and add '-72' at the end. (example xxxxxx-72)
- Type 68 in Offest Hex. Click ok.
- Click 'Add address manually, type (4bytes), click 'Pointer'
- Paste the address from step 4 into 'Address of pointer' and add '-72' at the end. (example xxxxxx-72)
- Type 78 in Offest Hex. Click ok.
- New scan "000001449189D32B". 1 address returned. Disassemble this memory region
- Change 'sub edx,ebx' to 'sub edx,edx'
- Click 1 rubbish in RC
- New scan "04B878488901C183" 1 address returned. Disassemble this memory region
- Change 'add ecx,01' to 'add ecx,00'
- New scan "00011C838924408B". 2 addresses returned. Disassemble the 2nd address
- Right click the line mov [ebx+0000011c],eax and click 'Replace code that does nothing'
- Double click second line mov [ebx+00000114],000007d0 change '000007d0' to '00000000'
- New scan "E44589D47589C085". 1 address returned. Disassemble address
- You will see line 'je xxxxxxxx'
- Right click and click 'replace code that does nothing'
- Scroll down and you will see another 'je xxxxxxxx'. Right click and click replace code that does nothing
- On CE change the value of the two address that you had added in manually in Steps 5-10 to '30'
- Click 'Freeze' for both.
- Rubbish will be cleared fast and coins and being added.
- Now, to keep saving the game, click Decorate in your restaurant. Shift some tables/chairs and click on the green tick. The game will save. Keep repeating this step to constantly save your game. You will also get 60coins each save. Use a mouserecorder, duhs.
- Note: The janitor must clean 3 rubbish or more to avoid disconnection after the repeated redecorate and save. No worries though as the janitor can clear 3 rubbish in less than 1 sec so you dont have to wait long before you redecorate and save.Or you can just do step 1 to 6 for 30 per save mode.

1-Open ShopMaker
2-Change version to 2.7.3a
3-Download Database
4-Click ShopLuxury
5-Under Insertar Item Manualmente copy “Anteater Plushie” without the quotes
6- Save by hitting Guardar and save (i called mins anteater & saved it on desktop)
7-Open fiddler2
8-Click File and ensure “Capture Traffic” is ticked
9- Click “Launch IE” in fiddler2 (you can use any browser.)
10- Log into Pet Society and wait for it to load finish
11- Now look at the left panel of Fiddler2.
12- Search for this line “”
13- Highlight it (select it)
14-Click on AutoResponder in Fiddler2
15-Tick both Enable Automatic responses and Permit passthrough.
16-Now click “Add”. A new line will appear in “If URL matches” & it should have tick & “EXACT:”
17- now at the bottom where rule editor u should see “EXACT:”
18-right to that click to drop down & choose “find a file”
19-browse to where you have saved the database (in my case it’s on desktop & it’s called hopLuxury-anteater.Xml.Dat)
20- reload petsociety & go to luxury & buy it it costs 300 coins (note you might need to clear cache)
Note: Don’t sell it at The official forum or you’ll get yourself banned!
Posted By WOuter
Don’t expect much of the cheat it gets you 1 coins per jump
this cheat is credited to SpYke
This cheat needs flash player 9! if you don’t know your version or to download the right versionclick here
- Open Pet Society
- Play with rope for a while
- Open cheat engine
- Choose firefox (or any browser of your choice)
- Tick hex & change 4 bytes to 8 bytes & tick “Also scan read-only memory” as well
- Scan for 1st address 7589544F8B01C083
- right click & go to “disassemble this memory region“
- You will find add eax,01 change it to add eax,00
- Go back to cheat engine scan using this hex DC5D8B0000001C85
- right click & go to “disassemble this memory region“
- Scroll up till you find or eax,02 change it to or eax,00
- Go play
- Enjoy
This hack will give u Blue Coins on PS but you'll need much patience!
* FoxyProxy
* Firefox
* Lots of patience as Argentina proxies may be slow for your region.
# Install FoxyProxy
# Open it and click on 'Add New Proxy'
# Go to the Proxy Details tab and check 'Manual Proxy Configuration'
# Fill in the Host address and Port with any of these proxies : 9000 8080 : 3128 3128 : 8080 8080 : 8080 8080 : 8080 8080
Note: The starting 4 groups is the IP address, the FINAL few digits AFTER the colon is the PORT.
Proxies are not permanent may be shutdown anytime, so if any of the proxies are down, you will not have a connection to the internet. For more proxies. Just select any country that you are NOT from.
# Click on the General Tab and give a name to your proxy. (ie: PetSociety)
# Click Ok.
# Now you should see a Mode: Click on the dropdown and select "Use proxy PetSociety for all url
Note: those of you who knows what to do can actually set url patterns using proxies for only PetSociety, i will explain on this when i get home.
# Now click 'Close'
# Go into PetSociety, it will be slow ;p
# Click 'Earn Coins'
# Check 'I agree' and click 'Earn free coins by completing offers'
# Click on the "Free"
# You should see some offers there, try them all for your coins, you can create a junk email account for this purpose sending all this offers to that junk email account.
# Once offers are completed, you should get the coins. Have fun.
U Can Get Up To 50 Blue Coins In One Offer , But Hurry Up Before It's Pathced
* FoxyProxy
* Firefox
* Lots of patience as Argentina proxies may be slow for your region.
# Install FoxyProxy
# Open it and click on 'Add New Proxy'
# Go to the Proxy Details tab and check 'Manual Proxy Configuration'
# Fill in the Host address and Port with any of these proxies : 9000 8080 : 3128 3128 : 8080 8080 : 8080 8080 : 8080 8080
Note: The starting 4 groups is the IP address, the FINAL few digits AFTER the colon is the PORT.
Proxies are not permanent may be shutdown anytime, so if any of the proxies are down, you will not have a connection to the internet. For more proxies. Just select any country that you are NOT from.
# Click on the General Tab and give a name to your proxy. (ie: PetSociety)
# Click Ok.
# Now you should see a Mode: Click on the dropdown and select "Use proxy PetSociety for all url
Note: those of you who knows what to do can actually set url patterns using proxies for only PetSociety, i will explain on this when i get home.
# Now click 'Close'
# Go into PetSociety, it will be slow ;p
# Click 'Earn Coins'
# Check 'I agree' and click 'Earn free coins by completing offers'
# Click on the "Free"
# You should see some offers there, try them all for your coins, you can create a junk email account for this purpose sending all this offers to that junk email account.
# Once offers are completed, you should get the coins. Have fun.
U Can Get Up To 50 Blue Coins In One Offer , But Hurry Up Before It's Pathced
Hey PetSocietyLatestNews fans! What’s cooking? Some Vegetable Soup perhaps, or an Orange Cupcake, or even a Giant Meatball? Oh… nothing?? Well, you had better put something on the stove then, as Pet Society’s Cooking feature has just been released! Smile
How does it work you ask? Well, you will be able to find your very own Cooking Stove in your chest! So drag that out into your room! You can click on either the Cooking icon (located next to your stickers icon), or on your Cooking Stove to read the instructions and get started! Basically though, you can cook food that is not available elsewhere. So buy some ingredients for a specific dish to cook (select the Cook button to start), and it will have a certain cooking time (which you can see before you buy it); and when it’s finished cooking collect it by clicking on your stove, or by using the Collect button in the Cooking book. You can choose to either sell your completed dish back to the store for profit, or give your pet a good feed!
Be careful though, if you leave your dish on the stove for too long, it will burn and be ruined (for most dishes you have the amount of cooking time again to collect), so be sure to come back to collect your dish once it’s finished cooking! ;)
A few things you should be aware of: a) you can only cook one dish at a time, b) you will accumulate Cooking Points by successfully cooking dishes, these Cooking Points increase your Cooking Rank, and c) different dishes require different Cooking Ranks to learn, however everyone can start with Vegetable Soup, so sign on to Pet Society via Facebook now and give it a whirl!
Christmas is coming, so when you next send a gift, you can choose to deliver it in some festive wrapping! Just go to send your gift as normal, and once you’ve confirmed, you will get a pop up asking you if you’d like to buy one of four special seasonal wrappings, or of course you can choose to deliver your gift in the standard gift box! ;)
Here are the Mystery Items from this week:

1.= Snowman Carrier Decor
2.= Holly White Candle Set
3.= Festive Ribbon Decor
& (FINALLY) Some new choices in our Stylist! :D

& Last But Not Least!
If you find Hideeni he'll let u post a new doll on ur wall for your friends...The 'Cute Reindeer Plushie'!

How does it work you ask? Well, you will be able to find your very own Cooking Stove in your chest! So drag that out into your room! You can click on either the Cooking icon (located next to your stickers icon), or on your Cooking Stove to read the instructions and get started! Basically though, you can cook food that is not available elsewhere. So buy some ingredients for a specific dish to cook (select the Cook button to start), and it will have a certain cooking time (which you can see before you buy it); and when it’s finished cooking collect it by clicking on your stove, or by using the Collect button in the Cooking book. You can choose to either sell your completed dish back to the store for profit, or give your pet a good feed!
Be careful though, if you leave your dish on the stove for too long, it will burn and be ruined (for most dishes you have the amount of cooking time again to collect), so be sure to come back to collect your dish once it’s finished cooking! ;)
A few things you should be aware of: a) you can only cook one dish at a time, b) you will accumulate Cooking Points by successfully cooking dishes, these Cooking Points increase your Cooking Rank, and c) different dishes require different Cooking Ranks to learn, however everyone can start with Vegetable Soup, so sign on to Pet Society via Facebook now and give it a whirl!
Christmas is coming, so when you next send a gift, you can choose to deliver it in some festive wrapping! Just go to send your gift as normal, and once you’ve confirmed, you will get a pop up asking you if you’d like to buy one of four special seasonal wrappings, or of course you can choose to deliver your gift in the standard gift box! ;)
Here are the Mystery Items from this week:

1.= Snowman Carrier Decor
2.= Holly White Candle Set
3.= Festive Ribbon Decor
& (FINALLY) Some new choices in our Stylist! :D

& Last But Not Least!
If you find Hideeni he'll let u post a new doll on ur wall for your friends...The 'Cute Reindeer Plushie'!

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